Elegantly In Charge : Turning Down a Personal Invitation
A client or a co-worker has asked you out to dinner. What do you do? Especially if you have to work with them or rely on their business. Situations such as these are a delicate …
Elegantly in Charge: Managing Frustration from Superiors
Has your superior or colleague been short with you recently and you aren’t exactly sure why? Maybe they have maybe been downright rude in a meeting and you are tired of feeling like you are …
Business Etiquette- Mastering the Elegant Presentation
Do you have an upcoming presentation? Are you feeling a little nervous or it has to go right so you are curious what steps you can take to make it a very good presentation? This …
Elegantly In Charge: Transitioning your Expertise from One Industry to Another
Are you looking into changing fields and you are wondering how to break in? Many women find themselves in a position where they have been out of work for a while and are looking to …
Elegantly in Charge: Sitting in a Meeting
It isn’t always in what you say that communicates how you are feeling! It is important to be aware of your body language. You could be incredibly interested and engaged in a conversation with your …
Elegantly in Charge: Declining a Project
Did your manager give you another project and you feel overloaded and need to tell them you have too much to complete and you are feeling stressed? This is a common situation in the workplace …
Business Etiquette – Elegantly Build Trust with your Manager
Do you have a new manager and you want to make a good impression? It is always a great idea to think about building your relationship with your manager, I was recently asked a question …
Business Etiquette: Why should we answer the phone elegantly?
Why should we answer the phone elegantly and professionally? How you answer the phone is important for a variety of reasons but first and foremost because it is your first impression of yourself and the …
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