Are you looking into changing fields and you are wondering how to break in?
Many women find themselves in a position where they have been out of work for a while and are looking to enter a field where you don’t have any direct experience but you know you will be the perfect fit!
It can be intimidating to switch fields and you may feel out of your element. I want to encourage you with a few tips on how to prepare, highlight your strengths and have the courage to venture down a new career path.
1. Do your research
It is no secret that I am a fan of being prepared. Educating yourself in today’s world is as simple as opening your laptop or smartphone. Having a game plan for how you plan to approach starting down a new path is the first step you should take.
2. Look at the job description
Try to decipher what skills set is required for the new position or field you are looking to break into.
3. Highlight your transferrable skills
Look at your skillset and see where there are overlaps in your skills and abilities. Make sure to highlight your soft skills such as communication, people skills, problem-solving. Look at your hard skills and technical skills to see how they can relate or transfer.
4. Research the educational requirements
It may be possible to obtain a certificate or continuing education course that would give you an edge in your desired field. These courses will also help to boost your confidence and make you feel fresh for a new career path.
5. Network
Attend a speaking event, reach out via email, or schedule a coffee with professionals in the field. Not only will this give you a feel for how to interact in this new world, but you may also find someone willing to give you some advice or new ideas for how you could improve your current resume, or what skills you would need in the job, or learn or certificate program you could attend to give you an edge.
Transitioning into a new career may take some time….
Each step you take will get you closer and closer to your new career and it will empower you and give you more confidence to pursue your goals. Treat every experience during this journey as a learning experience and hold your head up high knowing that you are taking a strong step towards your goal; just by believing in yourself and your abilities.
Are you considering switching career paths? Were you successful in switching career paths and do you have a few tips or tricks you would like to share? Please reach out! I would love to hear your story!
I have this and many more tips on my Instagram page! <<Link to video>>
I hope you find these tips helpful as you journey to your best self.
Stay Elegant,
I have just made a career change and feel so overwhelmed by all I need to learn. I think I’m being quite hard on myself. Thanks for the reminder that it’s ok to feel this way.
Congratulations on taking the leap of faith. It is truly courageous and completely normal to feel ‘out of your element’. I would recommend slowing down. Take time to reflect on what is happening and work really hard on organizing everything that you are learning. Make sure to stay interested and listen to understand. I am sure you will feel like a seasoned professional in no time. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Thank you for your comment and support! I am so happy that this post was helpful to empower you to feel confident in yourself and your career decisions!