In the business world, soft skills are just as important as hard skills. Personal branding and soft skills development helps employees succeed within their careers, but it is also a great investment by companies. It fosters employee retention and improves company productivity.
Skill sets like mastering your first impression with clients and colleagues, business etiquette, and communication are highly transferable to your career, so there is a high return on investment for companies that provide training.
In this workshop, attendees will discover:
- The mindset of being presentable, prepared, and engaged at work and why it is essential to their professional success.
- The process of active listening and constructing an effective response, as well as creating professional and engaging presentations.
- The importance of being prepared and engaged in staff meetings and group projects.
- Be inspired to dedicate themselves to a positive mindset, working together to communicate and being as efficient as possible while working and growing together.
In the business world, soft skills are just as important as hard skills. Personal branding and soft skills development helps employees succeed within their careers, but it is also a great investment by companies. It fosters employee retention and improves company productivity.
Skill sets like mastering your first impression with clients and colleagues, business etiquette, and communication are highly transferable to your career, so there is a high return on investment for companies that provide training.
In this workshop, attendees will discover:
- The mindset of why being presentable, prepared, and engaged at work and why it is essential to their professional success.
- The process of active listening and constructing an effective response, as well as creating professional and engaging presentations.
- Tthe importance of being prepared and engaged in staff meetings and group projects.
- Be inspired to dedicate themselves to a positive mindset, working together to communicate and being as efficient as possible while working and growing together.
In the business world, soft skills are just as important as hard skills. Personal branding and soft skills development helps employees succeed within their careers, but it is also a great investment by companies. It fosters employee retention and improves company productivity.
Skill sets like mastering your first impression with clients and colleagues, business etiquette, and communication are highly transferable to your career, so there is a high return on investment for companies that provide training.
In this workshop, attendees will discover:
- The mindset of why being presentable, prepared, and engaged at work and why it is essential to their professional success.
- The process of active listening and constructing an effective response, as well as creating professional and engaging presentations.
- Tthe importance of being prepared and engaged in staff meetings and group projects.
- Be inspired to dedicate themselves to a positive mindset, working together to communicate and being as efficient as possible while working and growing together.
Taylor Elizabeth is a certified etiquette & image advisor. As a licensed life coach, she works with entrepreneurs and corporations to help empower individuals and teams to develop effective and professional personal brands. Taylor’s unique approach to personal branding leverages soft skills such as etiquette, effective communications, deportment, and image to empower her clients to be the best version of themselves personally and professionally.