Have you ever been given advice, and you want to clap back, but you have a desire to take the high road?
Today I would like to address why giving unsolicited advice should be avoided and how to respond to it.
Why is advising someone impolite?
If a person has not requested advice, it is best to listen and empathize.
When you offer advice, it can come off as assumptive and may make people uncomfortable, feel awkward, or trigger them emotionally, even if you didn’t have bad intentions.
How should you handle unsolicited advice?
Do not respond emotively – give them the benefit of the doubt. Chances are they didn’t mean anything by it and were trying to help you. 🤗
Try to keep an open mind – maybe there is something to be learned through the advice given.
Here are some different ways to handle unsolicited advice.
Be kind, smile, thank them for their concern, and then change the subject.
Express appreciation and explain that you have considered their advice and decided that you will handle this differently.
Turn the question back on them. “What an interesting suggestion. Have you tried that?”
Acknowledge their suggestion calmly, politely, and directly expressing that you will not be taking them up on their recommendation.
Suppose you feel that they’re disrespectful or not listening to you? In this case, you can always excuse yourself from the conversation.
How do you elegantly handle unsolicited advice?
I hope this is helpful for you the next time you receive unsolicited advice. I look forward to reading your feedback.
Stay Elegant,